Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Bacon Mania has its own Wikipedia article.

Seriously. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacon_mania

There you can find pictures and descriptions of chocolate covered bacon, bacon topped doughnuts, chicken fried bacon, all the classics drooled over by sweaty mouth breathers the world round. Of course this sort of thing isn’t really my main bone of contention, but rather the kind of gimmicky stuff on sale over at Think Geek and at party centers ‘round the world. My last entry about the Internet’s love of bacon covered my main gripes about Baconnaise, and show off a little bit of my love for Pancetta, but this time around I want to provide for you all, in an enumerated list, all the reasons why these products are pointless - and what you should spend your time ordering off the internet if you really do enjoy a good slice of bacon.



Available at: http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/wacky-edibles/cf26/

There are some key points I’m going to address real quick

1. The particular brand of Popcorn sold at Think Geek is microwave popcorn:

Me personally, I hate the smell of microwave popcorn, I’m pretty sure that’s enough… but I’m pretty sure the people who got cancer from working with all the artificial chemicals in microwave popcorn agree with me. (also, if you accuse me of hyperbole then I’m pretty sure you’re worse than Hitler)

2.  Again - no real bacon: What’s the point of Bacon Mania if you’re not having bacon?

3. Keeping that in mind, it’s an inferior knock-off of stuff you can get at plenty of high quality establishments:

One example here in Brooklyn: This particular Gastopub/Theater
Now, try Googling Bacon Popcorn + your home town and see what you come up with.

4. Not only can you get the real stuff, It’s a whole lot cheaper to make yourself:

If you order the stuff from Think Geek, you get 3 bags for $4.99. With the addition of Shipping and Handling that comes out to $10.38.

Here in Brooklyn ( not the cheapest area to buy food, mind you) a pound of bacon sets you back anywhere from $3 to $5, while un-popped popcorn costs about $2.50 for a 28oz. Bag. So if you plan it right you can make a whole bunch more popcorn using rendered bacon grease for about half the price of 3 bags of microwave popcorn.

So if that’s not enough reason, say maybe you want to give it as a gag gift:

My response to that is: it’s a shitty overpriced gag gift and you’re a terrible friend, and I don’t see why we hang out anymore.



Available at: http://www.tommymoloneys.com/store/bacon-pork-products

If Pancetta is the Ferrari of Bacon, than Rashers are the … wait does Ireland make any cars? I was going to say “Aston Martin” but that’s an English car and I’m pretty sure that’s culturally insensitive. Anyway, I think Rashers are better than Pancetta - and that’s what I told a certain chef-de-cuisine in that conversation I was telling you about the other day. Right before I punched him in the face, pounded down a pint of Guinness, ate a raw potato, and blew up a London bus stop. (oh, ethnic stereotypes are fun!)

Rashers are a kind of Back Bacon - made from the loin of the pig (Think of it as the Bacon equivalent of Filet Mignon) with a strip of fat left on. This makes a Bacon that has a decent amount of fat for that same chewy quality you expect from regular American Bacon  but with a solid amount of meat. It’s fairly similar to what we call “Canadian Bacon” - except that Rashers have fat, and Canadian Bacon isn’t from Canada… and apparently they take that really seriously up there, or so I heard.

The Irish thing to do with Rashers is to either lay them out as part of a Full Irish Breakfast, or to stack a few of ‘em on a roll to make a “Bap” - which makes a great ‘on the go’ breakfast sandwich.

To be continued…


  1. I wanted to post something but I was lazy but I finally got around to it! This was on failblog and then I googled and found more!!

    Bacon Formula:

    Toaster Bacon:

    Bacon Tuxedo:

    Bacon Lube (yes...Lube...)

    And a women who ate 5 pounds of bacon as a snack:

  2. I don't see where the 5 pound bacon snack is exactly a fail. It's honestly pretty impressive. As for the bacon tuxedo... there aren't even words.


Don't be a dick.